Ooni Fyra

Best Ooni Pizza Ovens March 2024

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This is my review of the best Ooni pizza ovens for 2024.

After testing and researching all of Ooni’s pizza ovens, I found the Ooni Karu 16 to be the best overall choice. However, if you’re on a tighter budget the Koda and Karu models are great alternatives.

In my opinion, the Ooni Karu 16 is the most complete oven out of Ooni’s range due to its versatility. Its multi-fuel functionality means you can run it using either wood, charcoal, or gas. Not only that, it also cooks pizzas up to 16″ in size.

Keep reading to find out which is the best Ooni pizza oven for you.

Best Overall

Ooni Karu 16



Cooks pizza in 60 seconds

Easy to clean

Higher price

Best for Convienience

Ooni Koda 16


Cooks pizza in 60 seconds

Easy to clean

Gas only

Best for Indoor Use

Ooni Volt

Indoor and outdoor use

Cooks pizza in 90 seconds

Easy to clean

Electric only

Best Ooni Pizza Ovens Ranked

  1. Ooni Karu 16 (Best Overall)
  2. Ooni Koda 16 (Best for Convenience)
  3. Ooni Volt 12 (Best for Indoor Use)
  4. Ooni Koda 12 (Best for Portability)
  5. Ooni Fyra 12 (Best Wood Only)
  6. Ooni Karu 12 (Best for Value)
  7. Ooni Karu 12G (Best for Versatility)

Ooni Karu 16 – Best Overall

  • Fuel: Multi-fuel (wood/gas/charcoal)
  • Weight: 62.6 lbs
  • External dimensions: 33″ H x 32″ D x 20″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 950° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 16″

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Ooni Karu 16 and I must say this oven is a marvel for any pizza lover, offering a rich blend of style, functionality, and versatility.

What stands out about the Ooni Karu 16 is its multi-fuel capability. You can use wood, charcoal, or gas (though the gas burner is an additional purchase). This flexibility is a game-changer, allowing you to experiment with different heat sources to achieve the perfect crust and flavor profile. The assembly process is straightforward, and the build quality is impressive, exuding durability and a premium feel.

The Karu 16 reaches a scorching 950 °F in just 15 minutes, and I’ve been able to churn out large, delicious 16-inch pizzas in 60-90 seconds. It’s not just about pizzas, though; this oven is incredibly versatile and adept at cooking meats and vegetables to perfection.

The new hinged door with ViewFlame™ technology is a thoughtful touch, enhancing visibility while maintaining temperature consistency. However, regular cleaning is needed as it can get blackened quickly. The integrated digital thermometer is a nice inclusion, but I’d recommend an infrared thermometer for more precise temperature readings of the pizza stone.

The Ooni Karu 16 shines particularly when fueled with propane gas, offering an easy and user-friendly experience. However, the challenge increases when switching to wood or charcoal, requiring more finesse and patience to achieve the ideal cooking temperature.

While the oven is not as portable as its counterparts and sits at a higher price point, its ability to cook large pizzas and other food types outweighs these minor inconveniences.

One thing to mention is that I’ve spoken to other Karu 16 owners who have reported issues with the pizza stone cracking, but Ooni’s responsive customer service was happy to replace this free of charge.

In conclusion, the Ooni Karu 16 is the perfect choice for those who take their pizza seriously. It’s an investment for sure, but the quality of the build and the versatility it offers make it a worthy addition to any outdoor kitchen.

Ooni Koda 16 – Best for Convienience

  • Fuel: Propane gas and natural gas
  • Weight: 40.1 lbs
  • External dimensions: 25″ H x 23.2″ D x 14.7″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 950° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 16″

I recently had the pleasure of using the Ooni Koda 16, a gas-powered pizza oven that’s a true game-changer in the world of outdoor cooking.

Right off the bat, the Koda 16 impresses with its sturdy construction and easy assembly. It’s designed to cook large 16-inch pizzas, which it does remarkably well, churning out quality pizzas in just 60-90 seconds. The ease of maintenance is another significant advantage, requiring very little cleaning and upkeep.

The standout feature of the Koda 16 is its innovative L-shaped gas burner. This design ensures a consistent and even heat distribution, allowing for “one-turn cooking” – a huge plus for ensuring evenly cooked pizzas without constant rotation. It’s not just limited to pizzas; the Koda 16 excels at cooking meats, fish, and vegetables, making it a versatile choice for any outdoor cooking enthusiast.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. The Koda 16 sits at a higher price point compared to some other models, which might be a factor for budget-conscious buyers. It’s a gas-only oven, so those looking for a wood-fired taste might need to look elsewhere. Also, due to its popularity, it can be a challenge to find in stock, so prompt purchasing is advised.

In summary, the Ooni Koda 16 stands out as a top-tier option for those seeking a high-quality, versatile pizza oven. Its ability to cook large pizzas and a variety of other dishes, combined with its user-friendly design, makes it a worthy investment for any serious outdoor cook.

Ooni Volt 12 – Best for Indoor Use

  • Fuel: Electric
  • Weight: 39.2lbs
  • External dimensions: 24.2″ H x 20.8″ D x 10.9″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 850° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 12″

The Volt is Ooni’s first all-electric pizza oven, designed for both indoor and outdoor use. As a pizza oven enthusiast, I was intrigued by its unique features and eager to see how it performed.

The Ooni Volt 12 is a marvel in terms of build quality and ease of assembly. Its standout feature is the ability to be used indoors, a game-changer for those who prefer the comfort of their kitchen or have limited outdoor space. This oven sports a heat-retaining triple-paned borosilicate glass door and adjustable dials for controlling the top and bottom heating elements, making it a tech-savvy choice for modern cooks.

I was impressed with its cooking capabilities, delivering quality 12-inch pizzas in just 90 seconds. The built-in timer and temperature control add a level of precision and convenience that’s hard to beat. The oven’s design ensures minimal cleaning hassle, another significant plus.

However, there are some downsides to consider. The Volt 12 is the most expensive in the Ooni range, and its reliance on electricity, while beneficial for indoor use, does limit its versatility compared to multi-fuel options. The temperature regulation can be a bit inconsistent, and it doesn’t reach the high temperatures that other Ooni ovens can achieve.

In terms of size, it is quite large and bulky, requiring a considerable amount of counter space. Also, it’s worth noting that it can produce some smoke during cooking, so good ventilation is important.

Lastly, caution is advised when using it on sensitive kitchen surfaces like marble or quartz, as some users have reported damage due to heat.

The Ooni Volt 12 is an innovative addition to the pizza oven market, perfect for those seeking an indoor option without sacrificing quality. While it comes with a higher price tag and some limitations, its unique features make it a worthy consideration.

Ooni Koda 12 – Best for Portability

  • Fuel: Propane gas
  • Weight: 20.4 lbs
  • External dimensions: 24.4″ H x 15.5″ D x 11.7″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 950° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 12″

The Ooni Koda 12 was the first gas-powered pizza oven I owned and it has been a game-changer for my outdoor cooking experience.

First off, the Ooni Koda 12 impresses with its quality build and easy assembly. Its compact and portable design is a massive plus, especially for those with limited outdoor space or for pizza enthusiasts on the go. One of the highlights of this oven is its convenience – gas fueling means you can get up to cooking temperature in just about 15 minutes and maintain it consistently between pizzas. This is a game-changer for those hosting pizza parties or family gatherings.

Cooking with the Koda 12 is simple. It produces quality 12-inch pizzas with ease, offering that stone-baked freshness we all crave in a good pizza. Moreover, the maintenance is minimal, making it a hassle-free option for regular use.

However, it’s not without its downsides. Priced higher than the Karu and Fyra models, the Koda 12 might be a stretch for those on a tighter budget. I also noticed that it doesn’t always ignite on the first try, and the flame can be temperamental in very windy conditions.

Unlike its bigger sibling, the Koda 16, it lacks the L-shaped burner and while it’s smaller than some other models, this is reflected in its price and portability.

In conclusion, the Ooni Koda 12 is a stellar choice for those seeking ease, convenience, and quality in a compact package. It’s perfect for quick, hassle-free pizza nights and fits beautifully in any outdoor setting. Just be quick to grab one, as they’re often in limited stock!

Ooni Fyra 12 – Best Wood Only

  • Fuel: Wood pellets only
  • Weight: 22 lbs
  • External dimensions: 29.2″ H x 15.1″ D x 28.6″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 950° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 12″

The Ooni Fyra 12 was one of the first pizza ovens I owned and was my entry to the world of homemade Neapolitan pizza.

Weighing just 10kg, its portability is a standout feature, ideal for those who love to cook outdoors.

The Fyra 12’s assembly is straightforward, and its compact design is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. It’s one of the most affordable options in the Ooni range, making it a great entry-level choice for wood-fired pizza enthusiasts.

Cooking with the Fyra 12, you can expect that classic wood-fired flavor in your pizzas. It’s designed to reach a high temperature of 950 °F in about 15 minutes, though I found it often takes a bit longer. The real challenge lies in maintaining this temperature, requiring regular pellet top-ups, which might take some practice to perfect.

One design aspect I found a bit limiting is the steel door, similar to the Karu 12. It necessitates opening the oven to check on your pizza, causing some heat loss. This, combined with the oven’s tendency to overcook or undercook the bases, means there’s a learning curve to using it effectively.

Additionally, the Fyra 12 can be a bit finicky when it comes to pellet loading. Too many pellets at once can block airflow, affecting cooking efficiency. Regular cleaning is also essential due to soot build-up.

In summary, the Ooni Fyra 12 is a solid choice for those starting their wood-fired pizza journey, especially if you’re looking for a portable, affordable option. It does come with its challenges, but for the right user, it offers a satisfying and authentic cooking experience.

Ooni Karu 12 – Best for Price

  • Fuel: Multi-fuel (wood/gas/charcoal)
  • Weight: 26.5 lbs
  • External dimensions: 30″ H x 15″ D x 31″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 950° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 12″

This oven, known for its sturdy construction and portability, offers a great entry into the realm of wood-fired pizza making.

One of the first things I appreciated about the Ooni Karu 12 is its authentic wood-fired taste. There’s something incredibly satisfying about cooking with real wood or charcoal, and this oven nails that rustic, smoky flavor. Plus, it’s notably cheaper than most of the other Ooni pizza ovens, making it an attractive option for those on a budget.

However, my experience wasn’t without challenges. The oven often took longer than expected to reach the ideal baking temperature, and maintaining a consistent heat was a bit of a balancing act. Regularly adding fuel is necessary to keep the temperature steady, which can be a bit cumbersome. And if you’re cooking in windy conditions, be prepared for some additional struggle.

Another drawback is the stainless steel door. While it contributes to the oven’s robust build, it prevents you from seeing inside, meaning you have to open it frequently to check on your pizza, inevitably losing heat. The door also tends to discolor after a few uses. Cleaning can be a bit of a hassle too, due to soot buildup.

The gas burner, an optional upgrade, is not always readily available and comes at an additional cost. While the Karu 12 makes for a solid, low-cost option, if your budget allows, you might consider exploring other models for a more seamless experience.

Lastly, investing in an infrared thermometer is almost essential to ensure the stone is at the optimal temperature for perfect pizza baking.

In conclusion, the Ooni Karu 12 is a commendable choice for those starting their wood-fired pizza journey, especially if you’re mindful of your spending. It requires a bit of patience and practice but can yield delicious results for the dedicated pizza aficionado.

Ooni Karu 12G

  • Fuel: Multi-fuel (wood/gas/charcoal)
  • Weight: 34.17 lbs
  • External dimensions: 29.7″ H x 28.7″ D x 16.5″ W
  • Maximum temperature: 950° F
  • Pizza size: Up to 12″

Having tested a wide range of pizza ovens, I’m excited to share my experience with the Ooni Karu 12G. This model stands out for its sturdy build and sleek design, making it a visually appealing addition to any outdoor cooking setup.

Assembling the Karu 12G is a breeze, and within no time, you’re ready to bake. The oven’s ability to cook pizzas in just 60-90 seconds is impressive, achieving that authentic wood-fired taste that’s a hallmark of great pizza. For those who prefer convenience, using propane gas with the optional burner makes it even easier to use, maintaining consistent temperatures without the fuss of handling wood or charcoal.

The Borosilicate glass door is a significant upgrade from the Karu 12, allowing you to keep an eye on your pizza without the need to open the door frequently. This design choice not only retains heat better but also adds to the overall user experience. The larger grate is another improvement, accommodating bigger wood pieces for those who prefer the traditional wood-fired method.

Despite its compact size, the Karu 12G is versatile enough to cook not just fantastic pizzas, but also meats and vegetables, offering a complete outdoor cooking experience. Plus, its portability means you can enjoy great food wherever you go.

However, there are some challenges. Reaching and maintaining the high temperatures needed for perfect pizzas can be tricky, especially when using wood. It requires regular attention to fuel and a bit of a learning curve. Also, while the oven is on the pricier side and the gas burner comes at an additional cost, these factors are balanced by its quality and versatility.

In summary, the Ooni Karu 12G is a top contender for those seeking a high-quality, versatile pizza oven that combines the charm of traditional wood-fired baking with the convenience of modern design.

About Ooni Pizza Ovens


Ooni, originally launched as Uuni, was founded by Kristian Tapaninaho and his partner, Darina Garland, in 2012. Kristian, a Finnish-born pizza enthusiast living in London, was frustrated with the inability to replicate restaurant-quality pizza in his home oven.

He realized that the key to authentic pizza was high heat, which conventional ovens couldn’t produce. This led to the eureka moment of creating an affordable, home-use oven that could reach the temperatures required for pizzeria-style pizza.

Kickstarter Launch

With a background in design, Kristian created the first prototype of a wood-pellet-fired pizza oven that was capable of reaching 932°F (500°C), the optimal temperature for cooking a Neapolitan pizza in just 60 seconds.

To bring this idea to market, Kristian and Darina turned to Kickstarter in 2012. Their campaign was a success, surpassing its funding goal and igniting the interest of pizza lovers worldwide.

Rebranding to Ooni

In 2018, Uuni rebranded to Ooni. This change was part of a strategic move to ensure brand consistency across different markets. The name ‘Ooni’ was easier to pronounce and remember, while still holding on to the essence of the original brand.

Innovation and Awards

Ooni has been recognized for its innovative products, receiving several awards and accolades over the years. The company’s commitment to quality and design has made it a leader in the outdoor cooking market.

What To Look For When Buying An Ooni Pizza Oven


The Ooni pizza oven range offers a variety of sizes to cater to different needs. From compact models perfect for the casual pizza maker to larger units designed for the pizza enthusiast, there’s an Ooni pizza oven to fit every scenario.

The size of the oven not only dictates what size pizzas it can cook but also the amount of space the oven will require, whether on a patio, in a backyard, or even indoors. Additionally, if you are planning to take your oven on the road you want something fairly light and compact.

Another crucial aspect where size plays a significant role is in heat retention. Larger ovens tend to retain heat for longer periods, which can be beneficial when cooking multiple pizzas back-to-back. This is something to consider should you wish to turn your hobby into a job further down the line.

On the flip side, smaller ovens heat up quicker but may cool down faster, especially in colder weather conditions.

The choice between a larger or smaller Ooni pizza oven boils down to your individual or family’s needs and preferences. For those who enjoy the occasional pizza night or have limited space, a smaller, more compact Ooni pizza oven like the Ooni Koda 12 or Fyra 12 may be the ideal choice.

On the other hand, larger families or aspiring pizza business owners may find a larger oven to be a worthy investment.


Ooni pizza ovens are versatile when it comes to fuel options, with models capable of using wood, charcoal, or gas. The type of fuel used can impact the flavor and authenticity of your pizzas. For instance, wood and charcoal provide a traditional, smoky flavor that’s hard to replicate with gas

The ease of temperature control varies with each fuel type. Gas-powered ovens like the Koda offer precise temperature control, making it easier for beginners to achieve consistent results. Not only that, they are super easy to clean and maintain.

On the other hand, wood and charcoal-fired ovens like the Karu and Fyra require a bit more skill to manage the flames and maintain the desired temperature.

Cost and environmental considerations also come into play when choosing a fuel type. Gas is often more cost-effective and produces fewer emissions compared to wood or charcoal. However, the latter options are renewable resources and offer a more traditional pizza-cooking experience.


Of course, price is something that must be considered when buying a pizza oven. Luckily for you, Ooni pizza ovens have a range of different prices.

The cheapest oven is the Ooni Karu 12 priced at $299, whereas the Volt is the most expensive at $999. The Koda 12 and Karu 12G sit in between at $399 and $429 respectively.


As standard, all Ooni pizza ovens come with a one-year warranty, however, this can be extended if you register your product at Ooni.com. The Koda, Karu, and Fyra can be extended up to five years, whereas the Volt can be extended to two years.

If you value peace of mind this is another factor to consider when choosing the best Ooni pizza oven for you.

Ooni Pizza Ovens Compared

Still can’t decide which is the best Ooni pizza oven for you? Take a look at one of the detailed comparison guides below.

Fyra 12Karu 16Karu 12GKaru 12Koda 16Koda 12Volt 12
FuelWood PelletsWood, Charcoal & Propane Gas (with adaptor)Wood, Charcoal & Propane Gas (with adaptor)Wood, Charcoal & Propane Gas (with adaptor)Propane GasPropane GasElectric
Pizza sizeUp to 12″Up to 16″Up to 12″Up to 12″Up to 16″Up to 12″Up to 12″
Unboxed size29.2 x 15.1 x 28.6″32 x 19.6 x 33″29.7 x 28.7 x 16.5″30 x 15 x 31″24.96 x 23.2 x 14.65″15.7 x 11.6 x 24.8″24.2 x 20.8 x 10.9″
Heat up time15 mins15 mins15 mins15 mins20 mins15 mins20mins
Max. temperature950°F950°F950°F950°F950°F950°F850°F
Gas NoYes, with gas burnerYes, with gas burnerYes, with gas burnerYesYesNo
MaterialPowder-coated carbon steelPowder coated carbon steel & Brushed 304, 409, 430, Stainless steelPowder-coated carbon steelBrushed 430 stainless steelPowder-coated carbon steelPowder-coated carbon steelPowder-coated carbon steel
Stone type0,4″ cordierite stone0,6″ cordierite stone0,6″ cordierite stone0,6″ cordierite stone0,6″ cordierite stone0,4″ cordierite stone0,4″ cordierite stone
Stone size13 x 13″16.7 x 24.5″13 x 13″13 x 13″16 x 16″13 x 13″13 x 13″
Opening height3.34″5.71″3.86″3.89″4.37″3.22″3.58″
Fuel consumption2.5lbs for 10 pizzas4.9lbs for 10 pizzas2.2lbs for 10 pizzas3.3lbs for 10 pizzas1.3lbs for 10 pizzas0.9lbs for 10 pizzas1.02kWh for 10 pizzas
Gas consumption1.1 lb/hr0.74 lb/hr0.74 lb/hr1.3 lb/hr0.63 lb/hr
Outdoor/indoorOutdoorOutdoorOutdoorOutdoorOutdoorOutdoorIndoor and Outdoor

Best Ooni Pizza Ovens FAQs

What types of fuel can Ooni pizza ovens use?

Ooni pizza ovens come in multiple models that can use different types of fuel. There are ovens that use wood pellets, wood chunks, charcoal, gas, or a combination of these fuels. Some models, like the Ooni Karu, can cook with wood or charcoal, and they also offer a gas burner attachment sold separately.

How hot do Ooni pizza ovens get?

Ooni pizza ovens are designed to reach high temperatures quickly, usually getting up to 950°F (500°C) within 15-20 minutes of preheating. This high temperature is essential for cooking authentic, wood-fired pizzas in just 60 seconds.

How long does it take to assemble an Ooni pizza oven?

Most Ooni pizza ovens are designed to be user-friendly with minimal assembly required. They often come mostly assembled out of the box, and full assembly can typically be completed in under an hour.

Can I cook things other than pizza in an Ooni oven?

es, while Ooni pizza ovens are designed primarily for pizzas, they can also be used to cook a variety of other foods such as steak, vegetables, bread, and even desserts. The high heat and flame can give a unique flavor and finish to many dishes.

How do I clean my Ooni pizza oven?

After cooking, let the oven cool completely. For cleaning, remove excess ash or debris from the oven. The high heat usually carbonizes most food residues, so a simple brush can clean the stone. The exterior can be wiped with a damp cloth. Do not use water on the inside or on hot surfaces.

Can Ooni pizza ovens be used indoors?

Out of all the Ooni pizza ovens, only the Ooni Volt can be used indoors. All other Ooni’s are for outdoor use only.

How long does it take to cook a pizza in an Ooni oven?

When an Ooni pizza oven is properly heated, it can cook a pizza in as little as 60 seconds, though it may take a bit longer depending on the thickness of the dough and the amount of toppings.

Is an Ooni pizza oven worth it?

Yes, absolutely.

Which Ooni pizza oven is the best?

This is a very subjective question as it will depend on each persons specific requirements. In my opinion the Ooni Karu 16 is the best as it is multi-fuel and cooks pizzas up to 16 inches.

Photo of author


Jeff is a pizza enthusiast with over 15 years of experience of working in pizzerias.